A commission will be paid to licensed real estate brokers and agents that register buyers at an auction. Brokers must abide by the terms of participation and will be paid once the registered buyer closes the transaction and takes title to the property.
Buyers’ Brokers and Agents are required to:
Auctioneers co-operate with Brokers who have customers with properties to sell and for those who wish to purchase a property at auction.
Auctions provide a one-of-a-kind solution for Open-Minded Brokers and their customers…..
Auctions offer Brokers, Agents and customers alternative options to sell properties. Having a designated Auctioneer on the team offers new capabilities, enhances an Agent’s perception as an innovator and provides more solutions to customers.
Auctions are an effective marketing tool, differentiate those who use them from other brokers, provide a powerful and profitable competitive edge and offer abbreviated time lines for closings and sales. Auctions have grown more important as an increasing number of property owners choose to sell at auction as a first choice.
Real Estate Brokers and Agents Refer Clients and Stay Involved
Auctioneers work with Cooperating Brokers, not as replacements. It is important for customers to feel the comfortable with the partnership. Brokers/Agents maintain relationships with customers and are an integral part of the process. The Auction Company handles the marketing and overall project management while the cooperating Agent serves as the property expert. Agents do not have to possess an intimate knowledge about the auction method to enjoy the rewards of using auctions.
Absolutely, YES! Brokers and Agents are compensated with a referral fee, which is determined on a project-by-project basis. Real estate professionals benefit from the experience and marketing skills an Auctioneer offers and through more sales and increased commissions.